Is Grass Fed Ground Beef Processed

What'south the Beef? The Pros and Cons of Grass Fed vs. Grain Fed
Information technology is no secret that Canadians love their beef. Whether eating steaks fresh from the barbecue, enjoying spicy chilli, or digging into a classic burger, Canadians each consumed on average more than xx-v kilograms of beef in 2018 lonely, and this number is projected to remain stable in 2019.

It is no secret that Canadians dearest their beef. Whether eating steaks fresh from the barbecue, enjoying a spicy chilli, or digging into a archetype burger, Canadians each consumed on average more than than twenty-v kilograms of beef in 2018 lonely, and this number is projected to remain stable in 2019. Food trends may be changing across the country, but i affair is clear: for many individuals and families, beefiness is a dietary staple.
There are a variety of cultural reasons for this. Canada, a country home to peoples from all over the world, has a rich and varied cuisine; simply the availability and quality of Canadian beef is ideally suited to dishes equally different as Korean bulgogi, Argentinian milanesa, Hungarian casserole, Ukrainian borscht, Turkish kebabs, and Indonesian satay — as well every bit Western European classics similar steak frites, meatballs, and steak and kidney pies. For millions of Canadians, the gustatory modality of beefiness is the gustatory modality of the homeland.
But there are other reasons why beef is such a big hit in this country. Between the rolling hills of the southern Ontario and the peachy cattle ranges of Alberta's prairies, Canada has a long tradition of producing some of the all-time cattle in the world. And with truLOCAL, the only meat delivery services beyond the country that has specialized from the beginning in providing the very best local and sustainable beef straight to customer'due south doors, getting hold of the best Canadian beef is easy.
Simply while Canadians' ambition for beef hasn't inverse, the way they call back almost sourcing information technology certainly has. Twenty years ago, the local nutrient motion existed only on the cultural periphery; things like the one hundred mile nutrition were still years away from reaching the mainstream, and near people didn't think too much about where their meat was coming from.
All of that began to change in the first decade of the new millennium, as a growing awareness of the ecological affect of industrial agriculture began to play a role in consumer choices. Suddenly, there was a 18-carat interest on the part of consumers in learning more about where their food had come up from, and smaller, locally based producers began to realize there was a existent market for artisanal meats that had been raised in humane and environmentally responsible ways.
This motility toward local food was abetted by a growing market place for less processed food. Foods that had, when they showtime appeared on supermarket shelves in the mid-twentieth century, once been seen as innovative and modern were criticized for being poor in nutrients and lacking in substantial health benefits. Whole foods, on the other mitt, were celebrated for their nutritional value, season, and environmental purity.
When it came to meat, this interest in the origins of food also became an interest in how cattle, poultry, and pigs were raised. Massive, industrial-style feedlots had long been criticized past environmentalists and animal rights activists, but they increasingly came under the criticism of health advocates as well.
Ground-breaking books similar The Omnivore'due south Dilemma and films similar Food, Inc. brought these issues into the mainstream, and for families across the country, the question of what to consume for dinner increasingly became 1 with pressing ethical implications. Given the problematic nature of so many mod farming practices, how were ordinary people to extricate themselves from an industrial food organization that seemed as though information technology was as unsustainable as information technology was omnipresent?
The Rise of Grass-Fed Beefiness
One solution many local-food advocates turned to was grass-fed beef. While virtually cattle are raised eating grass, at least initially, as beef production became industrialized in the twentieth century, and more focussed around massive feedlot operations, many farmers took to "finishing" their cows on feed mixtures made from grains and corn.
This means — as you will probably know if y'all have ever gone looking for more than info on grass-fed beef — that the true difference between grass-fed and non-grass-fed is actually a difference in the finishing process. All cattle start out eating grass, simply grass-fed beef cattle are raised eating merely grass.
The grain finishing process made it possible to fatten cattle up faster and get them to market sooner, and it quickly became a standard practice both in large-scale industrial operations and on local farms. In and of itself, in that location is cypher bad or harmful about grain finishing, but it does change the composition and flavour of the meat.
For example, grass-fed beef tends to be significantly leaner than grain-finished, with less fat marbling and a darker color. This is indicative of one of the biggest overall differences between grass-fed and grain-finished, which is fat content: one affair near food writers agree on when talking about grass-fed beef's distinctiveness is the way an all-grass diet changes the ways in which fat is stored in the animal's torso.
This comes out in the flavour equally well: grass-fed striploin steaks are going to have an earthier, more complex flavour that often reminds first-fourth dimension eaters of game meats like deer and moose (which makes sense, given that deer and moose likewise tend to have a wild found-based diet). It too changes how you cook the meat: because of its lower fat content, grass-fed beef becomes tough more easily, which means that you take to take greater intendance when preparing the meat.
Many chefs find that grass-fed beefiness benefits greatly from beingness tenderized and marinated, and it is common for cooks working with grass-fed cuts to exist more liberal in their use of olive oil and butter. Virtually people who complain that grass-fed beef is tougher and less enjoyable than grain-finished are only not cooking it correctly.
Grass-Fed vs. Grain-Finished: Is There Actually a Divergence?
In the years since grass-fed beef became a major market trend, it has become common to run across claims that grass-fed beef is healthier for consumers. While the contend is ongoing, most experts now hold that while grass-fed probably has a slight border on grain-fed in terms of health value, the departure is negligible.
As for the difference in environmental impact, grass feeding certainly approximates traditional ways of raising cattle, but it likewise makes farmers less reliant on processed feeds, in turn reducing the carbon footprint involved in the production of beef cattle. Simply this does non mean that grain-finished beefiness is necessarily less environmentally friendly than grass-fed. Rather, these ways of raising cattle can be seen as complementary, each producing a distinct type of beefiness that is valued past diners who take a taste for it.
This is in part considering grain-finished beef is not necessarily feedlot beef; many minor producers focused on artisanal methods of husbandry grain-stop their beef to produce high quality, deliciously marbled steaks, and information technology is definitely possible to buy grain-finished beef that is locally and sustainably sourced. Ownership grain-finished beef does not necessarily hateful purchasing a less ethically produced product.
Only this isn't to say that there won't be significant differences in other ways. A 100% grass-fed ribeye steak will have a dissimilar flavour profile from a ribeye that is grain-finished (and, depending on which health experts you cite, information technology may be slightly healthier than the grain-finished ribeye), merely the divergence mostly comes down to preference. Those who love the earthier, more than distinctive flavor of grass-fed beef will likely gravitate toward it, while those who adopt a more than traditional beef flavour will probably notice that it takes some getting used to.
What ultimately matters much more are the overall conditions in which the cow was raised. A concentrated animal feedlot operation where thousands of head of cattle spend miserable loves crowded around the trough is non going to turn out high-quality meat, and information technology certainly isn't going to plough out meat that is sustainable. All of the testify points to the fact that these massive operations will demand to be discontinued if the world is to move toward a more than sustainable model of food production.
And so what does this mean for the consumer? Information technology means that the first question y'all should inquire about your beef is not whether it is grass-fed or non (unless, of course, you absolutely love the flavour of grass-fed), but whether it has been raised locally and in sustainable ways. At truLOCAL, we are proud to source both grass-fed and grain-finished beef from providers who are passionate about sustainable food systems.
Ane of the many things that ready us apart from other meat delivery services is the fact that we are passionate about merely sourcing the best. To this end, we have cultivated relationships with dozens of local farming operations in Ontario, Alberta, and British Columbia. All of the producers we work with share our commitment to ethical production and environmental stewardship, and we provide full transparency via our website about where every production in our meat deliver boxes is coming from.
Whether y'all are looking for the very all-time grass-fed beef from in-province farms that go the actress mile to ensure that their animals are raised solely on pasturage, or you want to eat your make full of classic, well-marbled grain-finished cuts of filet mignon, striploin, and ribeye, with truLOCAL, you lot know yous are getting a sustainable, humane, and ethically produced repast.
But this isn't the but thing that makes us unlike from other kinds of meat delivery: not only is our product superior, but our service itself is as well more customer-centric.
We launched truLOCAL because we believed that it should be possible for any person in Canada to purchase sustainable local meat and have it delivered straight to their door, no affair where they alive. If you want to understand how the service works, the all-time thing to practice is go started with your order today — with our easy-to-navigate website and intuitive points-based system of edifice orders, nosotros make information technology piece of cake for you to select the meats you want, and considering we give y'all the option of setting a repeating order to be filled every two or three weeks, or monthly, it'south like shooting fish in a barrel to ensure that y'all always have loftier-quality meat available.
Different other meat delivery services, however, we don't require you to subscribe to regular delivery, and at that place are no contracts involved. At truLOCAL, nosotros empathize that the thing most shoppers want most out of a delivery service, after high-quality product, is flexibility, so even if you exercise opt for a repeating guild, should yous e'er desire to pause it or skip an instalment, we make it easy to do so.
When it comes to delivery, we're besides dissimilar from the competition. Our box sizes are designed for single individuals and families, and considering each cut comes individually wrapped in a refrigerated container, you don't need to worry well-nigh beingness dwelling to receive your order in person: we can get out your box on your doorstep or with your building concierge; we tin can even deliver to your part, gym, or cottage!
This means that beef fans in Ontario, British Columbia, and Alberta never need to go without their favourite cuts; with truLOCAL's fresh meat delivery service, the best beefiness in the state is never more than a couple of clicks away. No thing where you fall on the grass-fed/grain-finished divide, we can claw you up with exactly the meat you're looking for.
If you're tired of supermarket beef that doesn't provide any data virtually the origin of the meat or how information technology was produced, why not switch to truLOCAL and starting time shopping for your beef the twenty-first century way? Order your kickoff meal box today, and observe out for yourself why and then many Canadians are turning to meat delivery services to get the food they desire in the most convenient way possible.
Posted on July 28th, 2021
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